The Quest Page 13
All the way home all I could think of was Wow! What a really neat guy he was. Denver had everything I had ever wanted, but I knew he moved fast. I needed a halting plan on cooling his jets a little. I knew if he sucked my fingers at dinner I would be sitting in his lap before dessert came. But how do I cool him off? I really liked his show of affection and I so liked the attention he gave to my sticky fingers. My mind quickly dove to the thought of my whole body covered in frosting and how much fun it would be to spend hours with his tongue giving me a bath.
Yeah, I was pretty much screwed. I pulled into my parking place, hiked the three flights of stairs to my door, and went in with a smile still plastered on my face. I was never washing my right hand again. I plopped on my couch, full of coffee and full of sweet thoughts of Denver. I wasn’t settled long before my phone buzzed. It was Denver. He sent a selfie with a sweet smile and a thank you text for meeting him this morning. He followed up with words of endearment on finally meeting me. He was quite pleased I was all that I said I was and more, he thought. He was looking forward to our dinner tonight. He said to dress cocktail and it will be a night I would never forget.
With that last line, I smiled. I knew what that meant, but I wasn’t going there, or was I? What would be the harm? Oh yeah, project. I sighed to the butterflies and text him back, Can’t wait!
At seven sharp he was at my door just as promised. He was wearing black slacks, a fitted black T-shirt with a nice gray blazer. I opted for the tried and true black strapless cocktail dress showing off the curves of my hips and my bare shoulders. It wasn’t the dress that showed off my bosom although it did show a little cleavage but not too much to spoil dinner.
He arrived with flowers in hand and a bottle of wine for later he said. Later? He was thinking what I was thinking earlier, yeah not going there tonight, though. Too bad too. He had good taste in wine I noticed. The flowers were gorgeous! I put them in water, placed them on the bar, and then headed to the door. He stopped before opening it and grabbed me around the waist. He pulled me into his body and kissed me. The kind of kiss that was giving me second thoughts about behaving. Behaving? What’s that? I kissed him back letting him know I meant business too. No mistake, this guy had my interest.
We arrived shortly at this unique little steak house that served the best steak in town. I had been here once, but I hadn’t been back due to the fact my budget doesn’t allow me to. It’s very expensive. My dinners consisted more of pizza and salads, not steak and seafood. They sat us in a very private booth in the back, away from the crowd, and very romantic. It made me smile. He opted to sit on the same side of the booth as me; again I was quite pleased with his behavior. No date had ever shared the same side of the booth with me. When we settled in I could feel his thigh touching mine. That was nice too and very comforting in a way.
We ordered off the same menu agreeing to share our dishes with one another. And when the dishes arrived, we did. We spent an hour feeding each other bites and stealing small kisses here and there. The food was delicious, the wine was just right, the mood was topmost romantic, and he was quite the gentleman still. He made an impression on me. A very good one. I was beginning to believe I found him.
We talked more about the project and he had some very good suggestions. We talked about booking separate rooms at the hotel, which I was pleased that he agreed to not share a room. I didn’t want to move too fast even though we had already been chatting for almost a month. We had talked about everything. I felt like I had known him all my life. He made me feel really comfortable and wanted. Very wanted. A feeling I hadn’t had in a long time. What was I afraid of? Nothing. That was my problem. I wasn’t afraid. I felt careless and fancy-free. I had given myself permission to enjoy my life. I had given myself permission to feel again, love again, and be wanted by someone other than you know who.
This man intrigued me. He paid me the right amount of attention and kept me laughing or smiling non-stop. It felt good to laugh again. It felt really good sitting close to him smelling the scent that beaconed off his jacket. It was a very musty manly scent with a touch of freshness like he had just lathered in soap. At one point during the evening he leaned over to hear what I was saying and I almost bit his neck. He smelled that good!
“So what do we do now?” I asked after the last dish was cleared from our table.
“We could go back to your place, watch a movie, pop that bottle of wine.”
“Hmm…sounds nice.”
We left the restaurant almost skipping out the door in a hurry to get back to my place. Being alone was on both our minds. He held my hand in the car the whole way there while we chatted about what movie we would watch. Surprisingly we had nothing in common in that area. He was your typical guy that liked blood and gore, shoot ‘em up type movies with lots of fast action, I of course liked romantic chick types with steamy love scenes and mushy tales. So we agreed on listening to music instead. He had been taking a salsa dancing course and wanted to show me a few moves. It sounded like fun. It wasn’t snuggled up grubbing on the couch but I would be held in his arms and no doubt very close to his body. Salsa dancing I knew was very seductive. So again, I was impressed. The thought of being twirled in his arms made me sweat in places I wasn’t going to mention to him in fear he might want to check ‘em out. So again, I played it cool.
I kicked off my shoes as he did his when we walked through the door. He slipped his jacket off laying it across the couch and revealed his broad shoulders through his tight T-shirt. I was kinda glad he had kept that jacket on all night. I wouldn’t have been able to sit next to him if he hadn’t. He had no idea how crazy I was about a muscle bound man. I loved to feel the curves of their biceps, see their chest dimples, and roar. He had no clue I was looking right through that shirt with X-ray vision now wishing we were somewhere naked.
He made a comment about my beautiful hard wooden floors and scooted around in his socks. Yeah, that severed my attention away from his chest for a bit as I watched his butt wiggle and dance swaying too as he set the right music for us to dance. He followed me into the kitchen and popped the bottle of wine. I drank my first glass really fast.
“A little. I’ve never salsa danced before.” The beat was tantalizing and I could already feel my hips sway.
“Don’t be. I’m an amateur. I’m just learning this stuff. I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
He poured me another glass and instructed that I sip this one. He didn’t want me drunk and stepping on his toes. We both laughed our way into the living room. The room was dark candlelit; the mood was sassy and full of eager. He sat our glasses down and took me by the hand. He pressed my body up against him and began instruction. His arm was tight around my waist his other hand held mine. His hips moved and swayed as his feet danced around my pristine floor. I could feel his breath upon my face as he counted his steps making sure he didn’t miss a beat. I tripped and laughed over his toes not ashamed to admit I was no good at this style of dancing. But he didn’t care. The more I laughed the harder his body pressed up against mine, the tighter he held me. He was wasting no time reassuring me too. I felt like a princess at a ball with the handsome prince only wanting to dance with me.
When the music slowed the mood became seductive. His eyes lowered in thought. His lips found their way toward mine. He was strong and hard in my arms carrying out the beat that was speaking to my soul. This beat I could dance to. It was the beat I remembered the most that I loved and missed in my life. The more he swayed, holding me tight, the deeper our kiss became. We never took note of the music stopping and changing to a more upbeat tempo. He stayed right there in my arms making me forget every wrong feeling I had ever had about a man reassuring me he wasn’t going anywhere. Then he dipped me.
He pulled away fast and twirled me around and around as I stumbled back into his arms laughing and giggling. I have a tendency to get giddy especially after I’ve had a few drinks. The rest of the evening was spent with giggles
and twirls, touches of reassurance, gifts of kisses, and stares of wants. The kinda want I wanted so bad in my life. But no, I wasn’t ready for that. He understood and in the wee hours of the morning he parted to go home. He reassured me he’d be back. It was a wonderful evening and like he had promised, a night I’d never forget.
Before sunrise the following Friday morning we drove to Atlanta. The drive was sweet and full of conversation as if we never would run out of things to talk about. Surprisingly we had plenty more. He drove, telling funny stories about his grand adventures and places he had seen. He told of the beautiful shots he had taken in some of the most beautiful places. Sights he thought only God himself could create. He was a Godly man, this I really liked. It was a nice change from a man that was unsure of what he thought about God.
When we arrived on the set we jumped right in doing the job we were assigned to. Denver understood what I needed and took direction well as we followed the set around, and up and down the streets. It was a full day of hurry up and wait, shoot and stay out of the way, but get what you need type of job.
When the set wrapped up for the day we headed to the hotel. I was pleased that our separate rooms were side by side, adjoining too. That was a bonus. Especially since I knew we would be working tight together I didn’t want to be fully separated from him for the weekend. Of course this also meant no full privacy. He would probably see me bright and early without make up in the morning and I would no doubt see him in his pajama pants. But I was okay with it. I was confident in thinking he needed to see this side of me. The true me; the real me when the lights go out.
Friday night we spent some time in the hotel bar not really wanting to trail too far from the hotel. We waded in the hot tub for a while, swam in the pool, sat side by side in the lounge chairs watching the other guests. At some point, he suggested we return to our rooms so we did. Riding the elevator to the fifth floor I was nervous. I don’t know why I was nervous. This man made me feel at ease really, I guess I just had no clue what came next, ever with him. He was full of surprises.
We went into separate doors, agreeing to meet in a bit to chat before calling it an evening. After I changed I knocked on his adjoining door. He opened the door in white pajama bottoms with no shirt or shoes on. What was he thinking? Resist him? Umm…no way! How was I supposed to behave around that? I scolded him and shut the door. I could hear him laughing saying, “Okay, okay…I’ll put a shirt on, geesh!”
I opened the door again and he handed me a glass of wine. We toasted to a wonderful adventurous weekend ahead and wasted no time locking lips. Hands were exploring, deep breaths were expelled, whispers were heard. At one point he picked me up and carried me to his bed. He laid me down gently and rose over me. He continued on with his kisses deeply breathing within me. Before long his shirt was off, so was my robe. The air was thick and needful as he spelled out how beautiful I was. Our hands explored each other as the night fell but we never took it to the next level. He was respectful but needful. I was needful but guarded. He understood this.
We fell asleep in each other’s arms under his covers in his bed. I didn’t know it was possible to have such strong feelings for a man, sleep with him half naked, and still not have sex, but we did. When I awoke the next morning I caught a glimpse of the creature that ruled his manhood. No doubt would my butterflies love him. Just wasn’t the right time to introduce them.
Late that afternoon the production company called it a wrap for the day. A summer rainstorm was moving in and we quickly cleared the place agreeing to meet even earlier the next morning. Denver and I made plans to do a little exploring. I love Atlanta. It was his first time being there so I took him to a few really cool spots I knew of. We walked the streets of downtown underground listening to the sweet sounds of a sax playing in the background. We went to explore the park, and walked around the Centennial Cark for a while ending our night on a park bench locked lips to lips.
After we arrived back at the hotel we agreed to hit the hot tub before settling in for the night, so we did. The next morning respectful we ate a glorious cooked to order breakfast then headed to the set. The set was tense but the pressure wasn’t on us. They had issues with the weather again, of course those things are out of their control, and they postponed the shooting for the following weekend. I took one look at Denver with sad eyes just knowing he wouldn't be able to help me again, but he reassured me he would make himself available. I cheered up quickly and we headed back to the hotel to check out and resume our trip back home.
After arriving home, I felt like I knew Denver so much better. We still kept our respectful distances and just enjoyed one another for what it was. And what was it? A new relationship? A new beginning? Something that we both enjoyed and were both fond of? It definitely wasn’t a hookup, this we knew. That week we spent hours talking, laughing, exploring Huntsville, dining, dancing, and cuddling. If he wasn’t at my apartment I was at his working on our get-to-know-you better days. It was fun-filled and he was full of surprises. He dragged me to his salsa class once, that was a treat. So I dragged him to a wine painting class, he was the only guy there. But he thought that was a treat because he loves wine.
We talked about our childhoods, our families, our fears, our joys. We discussed our careers and where we wanted to see ourselves in years. We agreed on a lot of lifes issues and agreed to disagree on all the political stuff. I was never one to follow anything or anyone politically. It was okay that Denver had a passion to be Republican. At least one of us was keeping up with our world happenings. I enjoyed being totally oblivious. We talked about our upcoming trip back to Atlanta and agreed on sharing a room this time. Separate beds he suggested if I’m not comfortable sleeping with him. I argued how difficult it would be sleeping in the same room with him. He disagreed adding his self-control was outstanding. Yeah, right! But then again, he did sleep with me once before and he was super behaved. So I booked a room with two queen beds.
We took the drive down the interstate once again to Atlanta, this time with more ease, and took the scenic route. Yes, it took a couple hours longer but I wanted him to see a part of northeastern Alabama I didn’t think he had seen before. There were beautiful waterfalls you could walk right up to and gorgeous scenery going over Rain Mountain. I was right, he loved it. We spent a few hours piddling around, hiking a few trails when we stopped at the falls. I could tell nature was in his blood. Very calm and serene was his demeanor.
We arrived at the hotel at sundown and quickly unpacked. We were both starved and ready for something other than fast food to eat. We were told about a local restaurant nearby that served good sushi so we opted for that. It was a nice quiet uneventful evening; Japanese music played in the background, the sushi was tasteful, the mood was calm. We occasionally sat staring, not really conversing, taking a break from all the talks we had had since the morning we had met for coffee. I don’t think there was anything I didn’t know about him. I think at this point I could even tell you his momma’s maiden name. Most definitely my type of guy. Anything that is until…
Chapter Ten
Sleepwalker Sex
Yes, we were at ease. Settled with one another. I couldn’t help but think I needed more. Just wasn’t sure about the timing. Was it worth bringing up? Should I ask how he feels about it or leave it alone? The thought of going back to the hotel to sleep knowing I’ll be across the room from him in a separate bed, and not touch him was already driving me crazy. And since we had already discussed sleeping arrangements, I didn’t think I could bring up the idea of cuddling. I thought it was cruel to ask actually. What if he said no? I would be devastated. And what if I wasn’t ready to seal the deal and take it to the next level and it happened anyway? I know I get a little frisky with him. I have a naughty side. It’s not something I can help nor have much control over. And I really don’t want to behave with him. Ugh!
We arrived back at the hotel full and ready to call it a night. Roll call on the set would be b
right and early the next morning. I chose the bed closest to the bathroom only because I get up several times a night to use it and I didn’t want to disturb his sleeping. After preparing for bed I slipped off my pajama bottoms while he was in the bathroom, then I slipped off my bra. I was used to sleeping in a wife beater and thong so there was no way I could sleep fully clothed regardless of who was in the room with me.
He trailed out of the bathroom asking if I needed anything, very sweetly. I declined saying thank you and watched him strip down to his fitted boxers. Hmm…he was just like me, set on being comfortable. He pulled the covers back on his bed and slipped beneath the sheet. He looked up and saw me staring.
“You’re not going to kiss me goodnight?” I asked.
“I’m sorry. Was just being respectful of your space over there.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind. I’d rather have you kiss me than not, you know, for sweet dreams and all.”
Actually I was wanting another glimpse of his firm tooshie in those boxers not to mention a nice hug with a bare chested muscle guy would no doubt give me sweet dreams. He hopped out of bed and stood over me. I reached up to hug him and he pulled me up to my feet. His eyes went immediately to my breasts admiring them through my thin white wife beater. Then his eyes trailed down noticing my bare thighs. He tried to peek around to see what I was wearing.
“Let me see,” he teased.
“No. Behave!” I smacked.
“Come on one peek and I’ll go back to bed. Just one!”
“Just one.”
“No. Stop it!” I squealed leaning up and kissing him on the cheek good night. He pulled me into his chest and planted a strong one on my lips with no tongue action. When we released his hands were on my ass.
“Yeah that’s what I thought!” He winked. He let go quickly causing me to land back on my bed as he slid back into his bed.