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The Quest Page 14

  I laid there in the dark watching him sleep. I wanted so badly to be snuggled up next to him but I knew it wasn’t time. I just knew. The tough part was I just had no clue when that time would come either. Would it be later tonight? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? I felt myself frustrated and longing for the man across the room. To be so close but yet so far away was killing me. How could he just lie over there and close his eyes not wanting me too? I was sure he felt it, you know the connection. I was sure he was in to me. Sure of it!

  I must have drifted off to sleep because the last thing I remember was the clock reading three a.m. Then I was sure I was dreaming because I awoke sometime around four a.m. with Denver in my bed, snuggled up close actually spooning against my backside. I was right. He was in to me. Why was I thinking he was not? His manhood was evidently awake and moving between my thighs but he seemed sound asleep. Nice I thought. So he did miss me. He does want me. Maybe he thinks the time is right now and couldn’t stand to be far away from me too. My head was full of questions but my heart felt safe and satisfied that he was now in bed with me. The feeling of his warm body hovering over me soothed me to sleep.

  No sooner than I closed my eyes and drifted to la la land, I felt his hand on my thigh. He was awake. He rolled me over in his direction then proceeded to remove my panties. I allowed him to. I loved the freedom I felt when they were removed by his strong fingertips. Without hesitation he began to rub and massage my thighs. Very nice. He moved up my thighs slowly and stopped at my torso, not saying a word. Okay, I thought, I took a deep breath in and exhaled grabbing his hands that were caressing my stomach now, he must have an agenda. His lips were strong and his tongue had powerful moves. With every rise and fall, I gripped his hands tight loving the way he was making me come alive. Wondering what I did to deserve such a treat at such an hour. I whispered loud enough for him to hear, “Denver…I had no idea you missed me too!” But he said nothing, just continued till he felt I was satisfied. Oh yes, I was more than satisfied with his gift. It was after five before I closed my eyes again. This time hoping he would awaken me again but he didn’t.

  The next morning I was out of the shower before he awoke. I wasn’t bringing up his sweet act of generosity unless he was. He awakened with a smile not realizing he was in my bed and jumped in the shower. He quickly got dressed and we made our way downstairs for breakfast. It wasn’t long before we were on the set and snapping away. I was still confused he hadn’t brought it up. I figured he must have been waiting on the right moment. But that moment never came. He acted normal, not lovey-dovey or kissey-kissey with me. He acted as if we were just work mates on an assignment. And the crazy thing is, we were.

  Late that evening we got all dolled up and decided to go out on the town. There were a few cool bars I wanted to take him to. One was a piano bar that I knew he would just love. And it was so over the top romantic. If that didn’t remind him of his interest in me nothing would. So I felt sure I’d see the beastly side of him again in there. We sat together side by side in the dark at a little table with a black cloth that touched the floor. The room was packed with people listening to a man play sweet sounds with his fingers. The music had me hypnotized. Denver also was hypnotized. His hand was resting on his thighs I had hopes he would rest them between my thighs again, my favorite spot no doubt, but he didn’t budge. There were moments he was rubbing them to the beat of the music making me think things I probably shouldn't have and remembering things I had no business reminiscing. His fingers were heaven touching me last night and I couldn't get those thoughts out of my head. But he wasn't acknowledging it still. I questioned if it was all a dream. But no, he awakened in my bed so I knew it was very real.

  I decided that evening to wear something hip and flirty. I wore a backless halter with no bra and a wrap skirt with little black stringy undies. My mood was so into him. You know how you just know when you look at a man like there’s no one else in the room? That’s the way I looked at Denver and that’s the way I wanted him to look at me too so bad. So I decided to be daring. He loves daring out of your comfort zone kinda stuff. So I went to the bathroom and slipped off my little black stringy undies. I know right? What was I thinking? I arrived back at the table with a smile, sat down beside him, and slipped my undies into his pants pocket, very nonchalant. I crossed my legs and sat back in my chair picking up my wine glass and taking a sip while looking his way. He was digging the undies out with a curious look on his face. When he realized what I had done he laughed out loud followed by a “Hmm…” with a beaming smile and a wink in my direction.

  His hand was back between my thighs wasting no time to explore. His hands were on a mission now dancing to the beat of the keys that were being played out on the piano. I, of course, was enjoying the fingers that so sweetly explored me. He sat even closer now switching hands, cradling me in his arms, whispering other things he would like to explore in my ear. I responded with kisses, accepting the breath of his air, letting him know those things he spoke of, could be a possibility; a very big possibility tonight. Especially after what he did last night, I felt he deserved some type of reward. I was still reminiscing over the moves his tongue made wanting to experience it again. But at that very moment, I was quite pleased with where we were. In a dark little piano bar, in a corner feeling as if no one else was around. I was in no hurry to move forward yet so anxious to get dug deep within his arms again.

  The bartender called out “last call.” Denver stood up quickly adjusting himself as he went and grabbed me by the hand.

  “Let’s go.” He said in his deep stern voice. I obliged.

  I giggled all the way back to the hotel with my hands exploring him while he drove. At one point I had him begging to stop, and then begging me to please him, but I was in the mood to tease. He was having a hard time driving and keeping the car within the lines, at the same time he had one hand under my skirt teasing me too. He doesn’t play fair, this I learned. But neither do I. Another crazy thing we had in common.

  We hopped in the elevator and immediately began kissing, even before the elevator doors closed. My fingers never stopped touching him. I wanted him as ready as I was when we arrived back in the room. And of course he already was. It didn’t take much convincing. He was stout and proud with every inch of his manhood risen before we walked through the door. We almost didn’t get the door closed before we were exposed. No time was wasted removing every inch of my clothing. I have no idea how he got his pants off so quick or where they ended up. The excitement had built between us. It was time. We were both in agreement we were ready to take it to the next level. See where it can go. And if it wasn’t going anywhere, we both agreed to enjoy the ride.

  He stood before me, beautiful, with the light of the moon beaming through the open balcony door. My eyes took note of his masculine shoulders, his bare chest, his full arms. My eyes followed his core down to his manhood waiting to be greeted. I paused before I introduced him to the butterflies waiting in the wings. He was a beautiful man. A handsome man. A man that I could get used to, this I knew. I trailed my gaze and my fingers back up to his face where I found him watching me.

  He whispered, “Second thoughts?”

  “Oh no.” I sighed. “What about you?”

  “Not at all.”

  With that, I placed my palm on his cheek and he turned his face to kiss it. His kiss sent chills down my spine. Then his lips found their way down to mine. He pulled me closer making promises that I knew he could keep, and then he picked me up and carried me to the bed laying me gently down to begin his journey taking all of me. I didn’t realize I had anything left to give but he proved me wrong. There wasn’t a moment spent wasted. Not an area left unexplored, or un-kissed, nor un-caressed. It was if he was playing out a movie scene of something he had always wanted to do. It was if he had rehearsed it too, even though I knew that wasn’t possible. It was just that we were so in synch. Where he left off I began. Where he moved I naturally went. When it felt good I told
him so. I found myself cheering him on like a good cheerleader would. But what I also heard were praises from his lips, making sure I knew he was quite satisfied on his end. Something I so rarely ever heard in a moment like this. It was refreshing to feel wanted again.

  We danced in his bed for a while till we were covered in sweat, took a small break to grab some water, and then danced in mine till we fell asleep wrapped within each other’s arms. The morning came too soon and we were back on the set with satisfied looks from afar and occasional winks. I caught him staring at me a lot and smiling in the downtime. He had this calm look about him. A very satisfied edge. When the set wrapped we hurried back to the hotel repeating the last evening with giggles this time. He was playful and giddy showing another side of him that I could so desperately fall in love with. What was I thinking? Room service!

  I was starving! I had forgotten how hungry sex makes you. We ordered room service and called for a late checkout for the next day. We wanted every moment enjoyed not wasted and definitely explored to all ends. I wanted to explore every inch of him. So after we ate I did just that in more ways than one. I found his ticklish spots, his scars, cuts, or bruises. Where he liked to be rubbed the most; his lower back, so I spent time giving him a full body massage with special attention there. I learned his breathing, what it meant when he held his breath, to how fast his heart rate climbed when he was excited. I learned the words he used were not always what I preferred, but I understood there are moments when life calls for such language. Of course he apologized for the use of them. He was a gentleman. This I learned.

  “Good morning, darling.”

  “Yes, it is a good Morning. How’d you know?” Somewhere in the night I felt him not only once but three times move around me. The first time I thought I was dreaming until I opened my eyes. I don’t think he ever really knew though. He never woke up, he just did things that were pleasing then after he knew I was satisfied he’d stop, climb off and roll back over to go back to sleep. Kind of repeating the first night when he slipped into my bed, so by the third time he did this, I tried to wake him, but there was no waking him. So I just let him go and enjoyed him. The third time was a doozy though. I never knew he could move like that! I was glad I didn’t awake him. I laid there in the dark hoping he’d awake again, but I wasn’t sure I could take anymore either. I was worn out!

  Now he was awake lying beside me face to face. He had no idea what he did to me last night. No idea how pleasing he was. No idea how exhausted I am or excited I am to have someone love me like this. I’m not too damaged to know this is rare.

  “So how do you feel?” asked Denver. Moving closer to me touching my belly with his fingertips.

  “Amazing!” was all I could say. “By the way, do you remember last night?”

  “What do you mean? Of course I do!”

  “I mean everything! Like after we fell asleep.”

  “After? Why? Did you wake up and do something to me?” He laughed.

  “Umm… no but you did?”

  “What? No way!”

  “Yes, you did! And I couldn’t wake you so I just let you do it. You were amazing!”

  “What did I do? Something naughty? Did you like it? Was it this?” And there he dove right under the covers not skipping a beat preparing to send me to the moon and back with his tongue again. Did I mention I was exhausted? It didn’t matter. When a man feels this good you find the energy to enjoy him. So I did. I loved the fact he was eager to please me. That he preferred face to face sex versus doggie style and that he loved the way I loved him back. We had a very mutual style of sharing. We are both very giving and very eager to satisfy, as he learned quickly after his rounds of pleasure, I stopped at nothing to make him feel appreciated.

  We checked out of the hotel late and took the three and a half hour drive back to Huntsville. We talked about everything from every fear to every dream we both had. We compared notes on having a lot of similar goals but also agreed to disagree on the things we didn’t have in common. The ride wasn’t long enough though. There was more I wanted to know about this man. I found myself longing to get closer. After he dropped me off at my apartment we agreed to meet up for dinner later that night. But it was just dinner we agreed because we were both so exhausted. A night alone in our own beds was beckoning us.

  The next morning I texted Denver to review the pictures we had taken on the trip. I knew there would be a lot of editing to do and I wanted to get the project closed and behind me. Denver agreed to meet on Thursday. His day job was behind and he had a lot of catching up to do. I was okay with that. We had spent so much time the past two weekends together I couldn’t demand more of his time right now. His work was important too, this I knew. So I started my editing on the photos I took.

  Thursday night he arrived with a to-go order from a hibachi grill in his hands. A peace offering from being apart so long. It was just three days I reminded him, not necessary but I do love hibachi so I accepted his generous offer. We sat at the bar scrolling over digitals on my Mac and his. We paused at a few and sorted them out. I wasn’t really into editing them just yet. I wanted to touch him, feel him, make love to him again. I was recovered from the weekend and ready for a do-over! So I paused and just watched as he did his thing.

  “What are you doing?”


  “I know that look.”

  “Do you?”

  “I do. You’re very distracting.” He smiled and stood to his feet twirling my barstool till I straddled him. “Let’s go!”



  I giggled when he undressed me and giggled when his clothes hit the kitchen floor. But it didn’t take long before those giggles turned to moans. We searched every spot in my apartment to get busy on. We explored the counter tops, the back of the couch, under the dining room table, then the bathroom counter, till we reached the edge of my bed, and then it was full-blown obsession. I saw a different side to him this time. A hungry side. The side I see when he sleepwalks sex with me. He saw a different side of me too. The ever so ‘can’t get enough of him’ side that I have only had with one other man in my life. Every time he slowed I begged for more. Every time he pulled back I begged for deeper. It was a craving that couldn’t be satisfied. No matter how many times I orgasmed I wanted another one. Which was fine with him he obliged and stayed up for the party till I allowed him to release. Did I say allow? Yes, that’s how in tune he was with his own body. He had great control. When he did he poured his love into me; it was like a river flowing with pride. His grip was strong and his body was tense. When he exhausted all he had he went limp lying beside me asking what had I done to him. He said he had never felt like this. I lied. I told him neither had I.

  Like I said, I had a desire like this only one other time in my life but that man broke me. I thought I’d never experience it again. I was glad now I was wrong. I was back to craving it and really thinking something was seriously wrong with me. What have I done? Was I ready to do this all over again? I knew how demanding I was, especially when it came to a connection like this. I knew there would be no way now to just let go of it either. It scared the hell out of me. I laid beside him in silence wondering if I should even bring it up. I argued with myself for a while and agreed not to. Time would tell if Denver was meant to be in my life. I agreed to slow down and rethink a few things. Time apart would help too, although I knew the longer we were separated the rougher the sex would be while we were together. It’s a craving deep inside that has to be satisfied. Once that well is tapped it has to be fed. Denver fed it tonight. And I was all ready for round two long before he was.

  Round two came at one in the morning. It was smooth and slow but he filled me with a river again that soaked the sheets beneath us. It was soon followed by round three that was rough and silent. His body was demanding and he guided me through the lovemaking without saying a word. His desire was not to be reckoned with especially at this time. It was arduous and hungry,
with moves I never experienced when he was fully awake. I obliged willingly, enjoying the adventure wondering where in the hell did he learn these things. Of course, riddled with sweat and satisfaction after, I didn’t complain. The way this man loved my body when he was asleep was exuberating! But during round four Denver awoke confused. I think it was my moaning, okay my screaming his name maybe that awoke him that time. Each time he wakes me up with his manhood, and mind you I am asleep until I feel him moving around me, it’s stronger with more vigor. When he feels this need he’s sly and snakelike moving as if I’m his prey. He moves carefully around the bed too carefully removing the covers off me as if he’s afraid to wake me. Once on our trip I watched him look over me making mental notes of my body and as if he was indecisive on what he wanted to do first to me. But again he’s careful and he’s not awake himself. He’s subconsciously doing this all in his sleep.

  But round four was a good round and it came at five fifty-two a.m. This I know because I was watching the clock timing him this time. When your half asleep you have no idea how long these things last so I wanted to know. He started slow sliding off the bed, stopping at the end of the bed gently pulling the covers off, folding them out of his way. Yes, I said folding. I was lying on my side when I felt his body move off the bed so I knew it was coming. I was actually excited. Crazy huh? During round three I got to please him which is rare, he usually takes the lead, so I was ready for my turn on round four.

  After he removed the blankets, he rolled me off my side onto my back and began rubbing my feet, then up my legs, he rubbed till he reached my inner thighs as if he was giving me a massage. His strong hands felt so good on my tired legs. They needed attention. I kept my eyes closed and my head tilted toward the clock beside the bed. His hands became stronger as he reached my torso paying special attention to the area there. He gently moved upward till he reached my breasts. He massaged them till my nipples were pleasing to him. Quite proud of his accomplishment, he awarded them with the comfort of his mouth, reassuring each one was not to be ignored. They grew larger and harder the more attention he gave them. And when he left them to move south, they were begging for more. The touch of his lips made the butterflies dance with excitement. When he made his way back to my tummy, kissing my belly button as he went, each kiss landed with a squirm. I couldn’t help it. I knew what was next and I was thrilled, to say the least.